Vajpeyi, Ashok

Beyond Borders : An Anthology of SAARC Poetry Vajpeyi, Ashok - New Delhi : Foundation of SAARC Writers and Literare, 2002. - 160 pages E/723

Beyond Borders: An Anthology of Saarc Poetry.

I: Self: White Paper, Light and Shadow, Magnitude ,Nida Fazli, The Bridge of Words, A Page form the New Diary, Just keep on Living, Resolution, The Virgin, The Jungle Story, Sensitive Soul, Anticlockwise, Come, Give me your hand, Our Voices, Do not kill the voice, Couplets, Wound, Who has sheared Human Beings and Enclosed them in Glass Paperweights, Jam, When I was waiting for the White Dove, My last words, An Unfinished Lesson, Coat, Do not Question, Where Do I Figure in Your life, My Love? Soliloquy, Banishment, I can also live like the Wind, firearm, Rupa Rani. II. Family-Neighbourhood : To my Daughter, The Neem Flowers, I Feel in my Bones, A Middle-aged Housewife, A Son, Grandfathers and Grandsons, A Request to the Dead, Grandmother, Oh Sun, Please Stay a While, For Rosemary-July 1992, Trilogy, Birds, My doors, Fallen leaves, Haikus, The Blue Procession. III: Others. Women, My fifty years Old Woman, Definition, The Mad, Apothecary, Dhangda’s Love songs, Epitaph, The White Shirt, Woman Mason and Street, No Exit, Whispers, Untitled, Grenade Like a Red Ball, Your eyes, Arrival, Garland. IV: Places: The Runaway Statues, Wall, Still Life, On the way to the Dargah, Space, Untitled, On the Eighth Floor, How to go to the tao Temple, Sixth Moharram , Lucknow, Impossible. V: The World: Things speak, Momin, Untitled, Cranes in the Drought, The Post-mortem, The signature of time, Tree Sweet, Sun-Month, A Dead Body, I Am Today’s Newspaper, Story of a Sick Night, The Old Day, Tankas, Horocope, Footpath, About the Poets.

In English


English poetry--literature

821 VAI-B 2002